
In this passage I
want to recode the content of have to install the purosim in ubuntu 16.04 for

use this web to
download the image of ubuntu 16.04

bash</p><p style="font-family:Calibri;font-size:0.917rem;">git clone <a href="https://github.com/ccappelle/pyrosim.git">https://github.com/ccappelle/pyrosim.git</a></p><p style="font-family:Calibri;font-size:0.917rem;">

Follow the github https://github.com/ccappelle/pyrosim to install the siftware

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计算机生成了可选文字: hut@ubuntu:—/Desktop/pyrosimSpipinstall-e Obtainingfile:///home/hut/Desktop/pyrostm Collectingnumpy(f「0伊py「ost伊二 :3.1.1) Downloadinghttps://ftIes.pythonhosted.org/packages/de/37/fe7db552f4507f 379d81dCb78e58e35333d8941757b1f664517d581b5553/nupy一1。15。4一(p27-cp27u-a nyltnuxlX8664.ht(13.8卜18) ]13。8習8100kB/s 133%] Installingcollectedpackages:numpy,pyrostm Runningsetup.pydevelopfo「py「ost伊 SuccessfulIyinstallednumpypyrostm Youa「eusingpipve「ston8.1.1,howeve「ve「ston18.1isavailable. YouShOUIdconside「upg「adtngviathe'pipinstall -upg「adepip'command. hui@ubuntu: 'Desktop
计算机生成了可选文字: Desktop/pyrOStmScd hut@ubuntu:—/Desktop/pyrosim/demosSIs double-pendulumludobotsrobots hui@ubuntu:—/Desktop/pyrosim/demosScdludobots/ hutßubuntu:—'Desktop/pyrosim/demos/IudobotsSIs LibreOfficeWriter过py 《Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo 《Demo Demo 《Demo Demo Demo Demo 《Demo 01 32 33 34 35 06 37 08 39 13 ODJeCtS.py PlayPaused.py EvalTime.py ObjectOrientation.py ObjectPosition.py ObjectSize.py Multiple_Objects.py MultipleSimulations.py A「m.py Joints。py Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo Demo 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 SensorNeurons.py 習0t0「Neu「ons.py Synapses.py InductngMovement.py Ca「.py FixedObjects.py FunctionNeuron.py Torque。py DevelopingSynapse.py Slide「Joint.py Screen_Capture.py 11bPosSensors.py 11Senso「s.py 0 hut@ubuntu:—/Desktop/pyrosim/demos/IudobotsSpythonDemo_00EmptyStm.py

Now We can
start the first Demo

计算机生成了可选文字: Simulation

This should bring up an
OpenGL window displaying an empty, virtual world. The window will close on its
own after a few seconds.

来自 <https://github.com/ccappelle/pyrosim>


If you already
have pyrosim installed and want the latest update from the repository, change
into the modules root directory (contains setup.py) and pull

$ git pull

The C++ code is
likely to have changed so you have to recompile it by going int the simulator
directory and typing make

$ cd

$ make

The simulator
directory contains all of the C++ code used in pyrosim.

Next steps.

Now you can start
making robots here,
starting at step #3.

来自 <https://github.com/ccappelle/pyrosim>

In this part
I use the newest for I use the git clone to download the env.

# 3

We should
to make sure that

we have
the env of the numpy

计算机生成了可选文字: hui@ubunt·~Deskto hUt@UbUntU:—SIs Desktop Downloads Documentsexamples.desktop hui@ubuntu:—ScdDesktop/ Music Pictures empty。py public Vide' Templates hui@ubuntu:—/DesktopS empty.pypyrosim hui@ubuntu:—/DesktopS 1 hui@ubuntu:—/DesktopS Is python 0

We finish
the env.

Till now
we finsh the env

计算机生成了可选文字: ,00Simulation

Next We
start to do the assgn 2

the title do

When the
code show as the follow we will see the
1 & 0.1 tools pause in the


python</p><p style="font-family:Calibri;font-size:0.917rem;"> </p><p style="font-family:Calibri;font-size:0.917rem;">

计算机生成了可选文字: Simulation

When we
come to there ,we can use the ctrl + P to release the pause .And we can use the
ctrl + o to view the simulation motion step by step.

We can
use the mouse to adjust the position of the view we see. The left button is
change the view in 3D view and the right view change the view of far or near.

When we
change the original date like the follow

sim.send_cylinder( x=0
, y=0 , z=0.6 , length=1.0 , radius=0.1 )

来自 <https://www.reddit.com/r/ludobots/wiki/pyrosim/objects>

We will
see the follow image

计算机生成了可选文字: Simulation

Why the data is 0.6 because the half of the cylinder is 0.5 and the
radius is 0.1. so we should make the
z=0.6 ,which can make the cylinder and the half ball out of the coordinate(
坐标) system.

2019-1-14 3:43 the process of this task has to the 15

When we
change the location of the cylinder at this code

sim.send_cylinder( x=0
, y=0 , z=1.5 , length=1.0 , radius=0.1 )

来自 <https://www.reddit.com/r/ludobots/wiki/pyrosim/objects>

We will see the situation about
the cylinder .

And we can
tell the simulator to rrun for 1000
times steps.

计算机生成了可选文字: ,00引mutation

import pyrosim







In the

计算机生成了可选文字: hut@ubuntu:—/DesktopS hui@ubuntu:—/DesktopS 1 hui@ubuntu:—/DesktopS pythonobject.py pythonobject.py 0

计算机生成了可选文字: ,00引mutation

the color of the next .

g=0, b=0)

Add the
rolation vectoylinder

the red_cu

Now I
push myself to the next question

In order
to get the f pic

This is
so easy my code is in the next line

SO I finish the part of pyrosim/objects

来自 <https://www.reddit.com/r/ludobots/wiki/pyrosim/objects>

<wiz_tmp_tag id=”wiz-table-range-border” contenteditable=”false” style=”display: none;”></wiz_tmp_tag>
